Monday, 1 October 2012


of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Southern Californiaconducted a study on thirty children suffering from asthma associatedwith allergies.Twenty of them drank a daily amount of mineral water rich inmagnesium, while the others received no magnesium supplement.After three months, the first group had a higher level of magnesium intheir blood, and they were able to breathe more easily.So taking vitamin C and magnesium is an excellent way toprevent asthma attacks.But what can you do to breathe more easily during an attack?Simply drink 2 or 3 cups of strong coffee. By activating bloodcirculation, it eases respiratory blockage.
27 of the best health “tips”
In addition, the American Lung Association recommends thefollowing exercise:l. While standing, contract all your muscles. Keep themcontracted for a few seconds.2. Release the muscles, like letting the air out of a balloon. Relaxall your muscles completely until you feel like a limp cloth.3. Let yourself fall to the floor, and stretch out. Close your eyesand relax your face and your feet.4. Imagine that you are floating on water. Concentrate on theeffect the earth’s gravity has on your muscles and on the pleasantfeeling of being completely relaxed.5. Breathe gently and quietly, as if you were about to fall asleep.6. Open your eyes.Practising this exercise when you feel an attack coming on, oronce it is already started, will help you overcome yourasthma condition.
27 of the best health “tips”
7. Losing weight: ThePakistani method
Pakistani women have an amazing trick they use to stay slim: theykeep a string permanently tied around their forearms. According toDr. Drupas, a gentle but constant pressure on the nerves in the
forearm stimulates certain glands, particularly those involved inweight control (thyroid, suprarenals).Why don’t you try it? Find two ordinary rubber bands and placethem around your right forearm, one third of the way up between yourwrist and elbow.The rubber bands should exert noticeable pressure without cuttingoff blood circulation and should not slip or slide when you moveyour arm. This is not a tourniquet!For best results, you have to wear the rubber bands constantly,even at night when you sleep. It is also recommended not to wear anyother jewelry on the right arm.
27 of the best health “tips”
8. What to do when youget something in your eye
Got some dust in your eye? Or some other irritant like an eyelash orcigarette ash? You can use the following technique to help others as wellas yourself.Before doing anything, make sure you don’t do what you absolutelyshouldn’t: rub or press the eye, lift the eyelid, or remove contact lenseswithout washing your hands.How to proceed?· Examine your eye. Is it red? Swollen? Is it tearing? What do youfeel? Does it itch? Burn? Is your vision blurred?· Let nature do its work - it is usually effective. Tears and natural eyemovements will usually get rid of the irritation.· Try rinsing your eye with some warm water, or with drops. Youcan pull on the skin around the eyes, but don’t touch the eyelid.· If this doesn’t work, wash your hands, and then lift both the upperand lower eyelids to locate the irritant. Is it on the inside of one of theeyelids, or is it stuck to the eyeball itself? Pour some sterilized, warmwater on your eye to flush the irritant out.· If you can’t locate the irritant or if the discomfort persists after youhave removed the particle, you would better consult a doctor.
27 of the best health “tips”
9. A few tricks fortreating insect bites
You don’t have to sit back and just passively put up with insects,especially those that like to bite (mosquitoes, wasps etc.). Eatasparagus and your sweat will develop an odor that repels insects. Orapply lemon oil to your skin.If you are bitten, there are natural substances to soothe theirritation. Aloe vera has extraordinary powers of soothing skindisorders. It is available in forms for both internal and externalapplication in most health and beauty stores.If you have one of these amazing plants growing at home, cut thetip off one of the leaves (the leaf will heal itself). Apply the pulp and juice to the itching or swollen area.Lightly boiled cabbage or leek makes an excellent analgesicpoultice. Of course, if you are hiking in the woods, you might have alittle trouble finding cabbage! Plantain also works well. Cut it and rubit to get to the juice then apply it to the affected area.
27 of the best health “tips”
10. How to get rid ofliver spots
If you have liver spots, it is up to you to get rid of them.May be you took too much sun, without using the properprecautions like sunscreen, gradual exposure, etc. If you continueignoring your skin in this way, you might end up looking like a lizard!Liver spots can also result from a thyroid deficiency. The thyroidgland must therefore be stimulated through a variety of means. Forexample, brown seaweed tablets: take one a day every morning, forfifteen days a month.Or apply a cream composed of 1 teaspoon oxygenated water and4 1/2 tablespoons lanovaseline every morning and night.Aloe vera (see previous chapter) is very effective in treating skindisorders. Daily application of aloe vera over a period of time caneliminate liver spots completely.


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