Thursday, 25 October 2012

anti depression tips

Depression and anxiety disorders affect large numbers of people each year. The impact on sufferers ranges from mild to debilitating. Luckily, treatment for depression and anxiety includes a number of options.
The most common treatments for depression and anxiety are medication and counseling, but there are other options. On of the most effective approaches is also one of the most overlooked:
Lifestyle changes
Many people don’t realize how effective lifestyle changes can be as a treatment for depression and anxiety. Something as simple as spending more time in the sun can make a huge difference for people suffering from depression. Most anxiety sufferers will over time learn to recognize things that trigger their anxiety. It may be possible to make some lifestyle changes to avoid or cope with triggers.
One of the best lifestyle changes is creating and implementing a crisis plan. A crisis plan starts by identifying symptoms that indicate when a person with depression or anxiety is about to go into a crisis. For instance, when they are the edge of a major bout of depression of anxiety attack. These symptoms are shared with trusted friends and family.
Then the plan outlines what can be done as soon as these symptoms are noticed to head off a crisis. For instance, a friend who notices a person with anxiety hyperventilating can help them get somewhere that they can feel safe.  Someone who notices they are about to go into major depression can call a counselor, or do something that will boost their endorphins.
A crisis plan will need to change over time as symptoms and the disease will both change with changing life circumstances. However, an effective crisis plan allows a person with depression or anxiety disorders to start regaining control of their illness, and their life.


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