Friday 5 October 2012

The ultimate guide to a healthy heart Tips

Here's everything you need to know about living a healthy lifestyle and protecting your heart

The ultimate guide to a healthy heart

Protect your heart

Heart Disease
Heart disease, also called coronary artery disease, is the number-one killer of Canadians.
Congestive Heart Failure
An increasing number of people now live with congestive heart failure. This serious condition requires long-term treatment. Medical research is now keeping pace with a steady supply of new treatment breakthroughs.
5 ways to make your heart live longer
Heart disease is a major killer of Canadians—but it doesn't have to be that way. Find out about the 5 key ways to increase your heart's life span.
15 ways to beat heart disease
Cardiovascular-disease prevention can be a matter of some easy—and sometimes very appealing—lifestyle changes like these.
Can you spot the signs of heart attack?
More than 16,000 Canadians die as the result of a heart attack every year. Get to know the symptoms and the warning signs.
6 things you may not know about heart health
Your risk for heart disease and stroke might be higher than you think. Prevention is your best defence, so read on for information on risk factors, plus get tips on improving your chances of leading a long and heart-healthy life.
5 ways to love your heart today
Sept. 29 is World Heart Day. Honour your cardiovascular health by following these five simple strategies for a healthier heart.

Heart healthy nutrition

Your heart-smart grocery list
Given the thousands of food labels claiming to boost heart health, it can be daunting to make the right choices at the grocery store. So we asked a dietitian to create a shopping list to help you navigate the aisles with confidence.
Foods that will help your heart
Making changes to your diet is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. So why not start making healthier choices right now? Here's what to put on your menu.
7 foods that help prevent heart disease
Eating right is a key component of lowering your risk of heart disease. Get started with these 7 foods you should be eating regularly.
10 heart-healthy meals
Be good to your heart with these delicious recipes that are also low in calories, high in fibre and easy to make.
4 foods that boost good cholesterol
These four super-foods increase your levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or "good cholesterol," which will help lower your risk for heart disease.

Real stories

Joannie Rochette: A champion for heart health
The world watched as Joannie Rochette skated at the Vancouver Winter Olympics just days after losing her mom to a heart attack. One year later she is using her story to save other women from heart disease.
"A heart attack saved my life."
A 54-year-old heart-attack survivor puts herself first—and loses 20 pounds.
“I reduced my cholesterol.”
How Carolyn Trono of Winnipeg reduced her cholesterol through simple lifestyle changes.

Men's heart health

Men's heart health guide
Every seven minutes in Canada, someone dies from heart disease or stroke—but with a few simple lifestyle changes, you can lower your risk. Here are six tips for better heart health.
How he can protect himself from heart disease
Tell him about these three ways he can protect himself against heart disease, the number one killer of men.
4 ways men can reduce diabetes and heart disease risk
For men, a pot belly could be a sign of metabolic syndrome—a condition that signifies greater diabetes and heart disease risk.

Healthy heart quizzes and tools

Quiz: How healthy is your heart?
Take our quiz to find out if your heart health knowledge adds up.
Quiz: How old is your heart?
You may blow out an extra candle on your birthday cake every year, but just how old is your heart? Take our quiz to determine the "vascular age" of your ticker.
Heart rate calculator
Calculate your target heart rate.


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